boy princess

boy princess (Nico Mascarenhas, 1993).
is a non-binary visual artist and filmmaker from São Paulo (BR), living and working between their hometown, Paris (FR) and Mexico City (MX). they explore video, photography, installation constructions and performance, intending to stretch and expand the spaces and agreements of staging that traverse different social rituals and transitions. through their work, they investigate the boundaries of memory and gender identity, as well as the different facets of death and matter in constant transmutation.



2022-2023 Postgraduation degree in ‘Contemporary Art Practices’ at FAAP; Brazil, São Paulo.  

2018 ‘Escola Entrópica’ with curator Paulo Miyada and artist Pedro França at Instituto Tomie Ohtake; Brazil, São Paulo.

2017 Specialization in ‘Script’ at the International Academy of Cinema (AIC); Brazil, São Paulo.

2016 Specialization in ‘Photobook: Creative thinking & edition’ at BlankPaper; Spain, Madrid.

2014 Specialization in ‘Cinematography’ at the International Academy of Cinema (AIC); Brazil, São Paulo.

2011-2014 Graduation degree in ‘Communication and Arts’ at Faculdade Cásper Líbero; Brazil, São Paulo.

Awards & Art Residencies

2022 Silver medal for the music video ‘Diretoria’ by Tasha e Tracie, at the Clube de Criação Festival. Brazil

2017 ‘Melissa Meio Fio’ artistic residency, taught and curated by artists Erika Palomino, Paula Garcia and Maurício Ianês; Brazil, São Paulo.

2016 Art residency focused on photography projects at Blank Paper school; Spain, Madrid. 

Exhibitions, Talks & Publications.

2024 Masterclass about the ‘Diretoria’ music video at ECA, Universidade de São Paulo’ Brazil, São Paulo.

Screeaning of ‘EUTEAMO EUTEAMO’ at Pluma Art Space; Brazil, São Paulo.

2024 Masterclass on Directing at the Queima Filmes Music Video Festival; Brazil, Curitiba.

2024 Group exhibition ‘Raw’ at HOA Gold & Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel galleries; Brazil, São Paulo.

2024 Group exhibition ‘Retomada’ at Quase Espaço; Brazil, São Paulo.

2023 Group exhibition ‘Em Construção Já É Ruína’ at Canteiro Art Space; Brazil, São Paulo.

2023 Group exhibition ‘Novas Masculinidades’ at IABsp, curated by Balam Magazine; Brazil, São Paulo.

2023 Photo featured in N˚9 of the Balam Magazine, ‘Novas Masculinidades’. Argentina, Buenos Aires.

2023 Screening and talk about the film ‘Rebojo’ in UNICAMP, curated by Ateliê TRANSmoras; Brazil, Campinas.

2023 Screening and talk about the film ‘Rebojo’ in the exhibition of the same name, held in Woodseerst; UK, London.

2023 Screening ‘Queer View: Music Videos’ at Cine Olido, with ‘Diretoria’ by Tasha e Tracie; Brazil, São Paulo.

2023 Group exhibition of the project ‘Beliche’, curated and organized by the artists Pepi Lemes, Manoela Cezar and Aiko, at the 25M Sala de Projetos; Brazil, São Paulo. 

2022 Guest for the discussion panel 'Representatividade' at the Clube de Criação Festival; Brazil, São Paulo.

2018 Video ‘Ponto Firme’ featured in Fort Magazine website. Brazil, São Paulo.

2018 Group exhibition of ‘Escola Entrópica’ study group at the Tomie Ohtake Institute; Brazil, São Paulo.

2018 Group exhibition ‘Vesícula’ at Espaço Breu, curated by the artist and gallerist Igi Ayedun (HOA Gallery); Brazil, São Paulo.

2017 Project ‘Lava’ featured in Revista OLD N˚66; Brazil, São Paulo. 

2016 Photo featured in TRIP Magazine; Brazil, São Paulo. 

2016 Project ‘Sisterhood’ featured in Dazed & Confused website; UK, London. 

2014-2016 Visual column ‘Álbum de Rappers’ featured in Vice Brasil website. Brazil


Represented as a commercial director by Iconoclast (BR, MX).

Professionally, they have accumulated diverse experiences as a director, creative director, editor, researcher and producer, particularly in the fashion and advertising markets. To view their complete professional CV, click here.
