boy princess

Goldenshower (2023) is a site-specific installation, a ghost that hovers along the path, guiding us through an experience that caresses the body, leaving a little, or a lot, with us. It is sound and touch and brilliance, vibrating with the boundless desire to celebrate the impossible, flowing through carnivals where we surround ourselves with a kind of embrace that transcends conventions.

60cm x 1,80cm
Six pendants distributed in a corridor of 90cm x 600cm. 
Collaborators: Bruno Steger, Breno Liguori.

Photography taken by Marie Kappel at the group exhibition 'Em construção já é ruína' (Under construction is already ruin) at Canteiro art space, São Paulo, Brazil. November, 2023.
Photography taken by Marie Kappel at the group exhibition 'Em construção já é ruína' (Under construction is already ruin) at Canteiro art space, São Paulo, Brazil. November, 2023.
Photography taken by Marie Kappel at the group exhibition 'Em construção já é ruína' (Under construction is already ruin) at Canteiro art space, São Paulo, Brazil. November, 2023.