boy princess

Chá-Revelação (2023) [Gender Reveal] was a happening held at the artist's birthday party, where a company specialized in this type of service was hired to reveal nïco's gender to their family and friends, without their prior knowledge. The performance featured the collaboration of Juan Duarte as the host of the reveal, dressed as a rabbit in reference to the typical birthday parties at Brazilian buffets in the 1990s. Pink and blue lights filled the environment during the reveal, which culminated in an explosion of yellow confetti and smoke, both choking and enchanting the guests.

Happening, 30’.
Collaborators: Juan Duarte, ‘M&A Efeitos Chá Revelação’ company.

Records of the happening, by Murillo Caldeira
Records of the happening, by Murillo Caldeira
Records of the happening, by Murillo Caldeira
Records of the happening, by Murillo Caldeira
Records of the happening, by Murillo Caldeira
Records of the happening, by Murillo Caldeira
Records of the happening, by Murillo Caldeira